HGACBuy’s Business is Making Purchasing More Cooperative

GILB-Eblast-Issue6By living up to its moniker as “The Smart Purchasing Solution,” the HGACBuy Cooperative Purchasing Program is increasingly well-known in the Gulf Coast Region and beyond for making purchasing an easier process for government entities.

HGACBuy is a fast and cost-effective cooperative program with more than 5,800 member end users. As a unit of local government, HGACBuy establishes competitively-priced contracts for goods and services for their members. HGACBuy handles every aspect of the process including: surveys, product research and specification development, the competitive bid/proposal process and certifying contract validity. Their members work directly with HGACBuy contractors for quotes, invoices and payments.

Gilbreath Communications, Inc. has been a registered contractor with HGACBuy since 2005, when the program first introduced professional services to their offerings. Gilbreath’s marketing, design and outreach services can be easily procured under the Citizen Involvement and Outreach category. Gilbreath offers flat, negotiated rates on our services to end-users of the program.

A consortium of public organizations utilized HGACBuy in order for us to brand Care Connection Aging and Disability Resource Center. The branding included name creation, logo development, brochures, a website and other materials. Other clients that have utilized the cooperative purchasing program include the City of Houston’s Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security, Bay Area Council on Drugs & Alcohol and Clear Creek Independent School District to name a few.

For more information on HGACBuy, visit www.hgacbuy.org.